Infinite Prattle Podcast!
Hello, I am Stephen, and I prattle! Potentially, infinitely so...[some have said]...
On the show I chat about EVERYTHING that intrigues me, such as life, the world, people as well as memories, things personal to me, things I like and all directly into your ears!
Along the way I am occasionally joined by some interesting guests who share their stories and 'Prattle!' along with me.
The podcast is completely Unscripted & Unedited and ideal for a casual listen to take you away from daily life or to enjoy on a walk or commute!
Infinite Prattle Podcast!
5.03 /// Superpower Fantasies...
Ever wondered what makes the ultimate superhero? Let's imagine blending the best traits of Wolverine, Superman, and Cyclops to create an unbeatable force!
What if you could have any superpower you desire? Join me as we explore the exhilarating world of superhuman abilities, from classics like invisibility and flight to the unique powers of Marvel icons such as Spider-Man and Wolverine. I reflect on why Marvel heroes resonate more with me than their DC counterparts.
I also share some personal news about my latest ride—a shiny new motorcycle! [Will share more in a future episode no doubt!] Plus, changes to my podcast episode naming convention, all while I navigate us through the thrilling possibilities of wielding superpowers! I also ponder practical yet mundane superpowers like rapid laundry folding we dive into the whimsical world of superpowers. And of course, we can't forget the timeless wisdom from Uncle Ben about the balance between power and responsibility. Tune in for a fun, thought-provoking episode that promises to leave you entertained and dreaming up your own superpower fantasies.
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Hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello. On today's episode, this started great already, hasn't it? On today's episode, it's about what would you do if you had a superpower, and what would that superpower be? So join me and let's find out. Hello and welcome to Infinite, dreadful, unscripted, unedited prattle on everything Hosted by me. Stephen, listen, like, share, subscribe and enjoy the show. Ah, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Thank you very much for joining me.
Stephen:On episode number three of series five uh, 5.03. You may have noticed the new naming convention. I can't remember if I've mentioned this already. I probably should like pay more attention to what I do. But yes, I've scrapped the moment numerals, scrapped the previous convention, and I'm slowly renaming all the episodes thusly um, so series one will be one point and then whatever episode it is will follow. So one will be zero, one up to ten. That'll just be normal digits without the zero, because that'd be silly. Uh, in other news, um, I'm very, very happy this week, um, possibly because the fact I've purchased a new motorcycle and it it's making me very pleased and I'm picking it up. I'm recording this early for once, so I'm recording this on the Thursday prior to the Sunday release and I'm picking the motorbike up on the Friday. So super, super happy, super super excited, cannot wait. Yeah, I'm just really looking forward to being on a motorcycle again, to be honest, and being out and about and just having that freedom of being on a bike. There's nothing like it, genuinely there's nothing like it, and any bikers listening will know exactly what I'm talking about. So, anyway, that's not about that today. Another announcement as well, again before I get into the mix of the episode. In fact, no, I'll leave it and I'll come back to that if I remember. Yeah, so, superpowers, I'll say keep you hanging now. So you've got to try and listen a little bit longer. So, yeah, so I'll announce that in a bit.
Stephen:Anyway, superpowers, you know, comic books have been around for a long time, superheroes have been around for a long time, and then the last 10 years, 15 years or so, we've had the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the DC Extended Universe I think theirs is called. Never really been into the DC too much. I love Superman, love Batman, but I think Marvel's do it better. They just do the films a lot better anyway. Um, well, not just the films.
Stephen:I actually think prefer the majority of Marvel superheroes, to be honest, but you always think to yourself, like all I do, being a large, overgrown child, what superpowers would I want? And I think that I'd want to be greedy. If I'm honest with you, I'm not going to lie I'd probably want several. I'd probably want to be kind of like the ultimate superhero and have multiple, multiple stuff. Let's see if I can narrow that down towards the end of the episode and let's see if I can actually narrow it down to the one superhero power that I would actually want.
Stephen:There's so many good ones, isn't there? Because I think this one probably stands out as being the one that seems a bit dodgy and that's invisibility, like if you're turning yourself invisible or be able to cloak yourself or even camouflage yourself to a degree enters the realms of you could use that for something dodgy. I suppose if you had like laser beam eyes or you could fly, you could still have superhuman strength and that could be used for dodgy stuff. But, like in the film, the hollow man kind of shows it, doesn't it like a bit of a spoof? Take on HG Wells' Invisible man book, which why have they never made a proper film about that book? Because that is well. Hg Wells is, hands down, my favourite science, like author, especially from the time that he lived, like if you read any of his books and you think that they were written in like the 19th century mind-blowing um. But the invisible man was was quite a harrowing book and he kind of got drunk on the power of invisibility. I don't think I don't recall he used it for like perverse nature, like spying on naked women or anything like that, which in the hollow man film he did. I think he watched someone get changed and stuff.
Stephen:But I've always thought that being invisible would be cool, I think, because, like, even though I'm an extrovert, I'm quite an introvert as well. So I think just to be able to walk around invisible and only be visible when you felt like it, I think is the reason it appeals to me. And also I always thought you could get in like cinemas and museums and stuff for free and that'd be super cool. That's just like save loads of money and that would be. I think that would be the biggest thing. Yeah, I think that would be super cool. When I was a kid, that was the one that I wanted, as well as the power of flight, because I say I am pretty greedy and I would want multiple superpowers.
Stephen:I think Spiderman weirdly, spiderman and Wolverine are probably my two multiple superpowers. I think Spider-Man weirdly, spider-man and Wolverine are probably my two favourite, as well as Batman. But Batman doesn't really have a superpower. His superpower is being rich. Really, isn't it A bit like Tony Stark in Iron man, wolverine? He has his X-Man power power, but he also has the adamantium skeleton which makes him super strong and undefeatable and he has super healing powers. And Spider-Man bit by a radioactive spider shooting webs, sticks and things slime, spidey, sense, pretty cool, pretty cool, pretty cool athletic guy as we saw in the Tobey Maguire one overnight six pack, which would be quite nice. Mine's a barrel, so a six pack would be nice. I've never had a six pack. I've been slim in my days but I've never really had a six pack.
Stephen:I feel like it's something I should try to achieve before I I reach an age where I'm just gonna demise and die. Um, cheery, um, focus, focus on something steven, thank you. Um, yeah, so I? I really find it difficult to narrow it down. So, like, invisibility, flying superman's power of flight would be awesome, absolutely amazing, just to be able to, you know, just fly anywhere at super speed, like, and have that strength as well, have the super strength as well, to be able to carry things as well, so you could literally just like load all your family into the car or the luggage, then fly the car to somewhere and you'd be there on holiday with the car or your luggage. Right, practicality of that is, and the money savings as well, um, I think that'd be so cool. But again, it's superpowers. It's this super flight, it's super flight, super flat, it's the this, the having the power of flight and strength at the same time.
Stephen:Well, all the powers that Superman have oh, x-ray vision again could be used for dodgy shit, couldn't it? Like bank vaults and, you know, stealing stuff. And also the old perverse thing as well we've all seen the gags of x-ray glasses. Who was it that did that? Someone did the gag of x-ray glasses. Who was it did that? This one did the gag of x-ray glasses and I feel like it was benny hill or something. It seems like a benny hill thing.
Stephen:Um, and then he had, he had laser, like laser vision, a bit like cyclops, and he had like, oh, he could like cool things down with his breath. He had super breath. Um, well, is that it? He'd jump, couldn't he? But it's kind of like flying.
Stephen:I may be wrong here and it's probably people shout at me, but I'm pretty sure in the original comics he couldn't fly. It was because he could jump a long way, which was like flight, and then eventually he just flew. I believe that's a thing. I may be wrong, so apologies, but I'm pretty sure he was like able to leave a building in a single bound and all that sort of stuff from the original comics. I mean, superman's been around for a long time, um, nightcrawler. Now he can like, he has the ability to like just teleport, which is kind of like it's almost as good as flying, but he can only take himself, I believe, or something he's touching or a person, if he's touching someone very close to him. Now, if he could touch a car, if he could touch a car and teleport the car with all his belongings, that's better than Superman flying, because then there's no effort. There's literally super reduced effort there.
Stephen:So basically, what I'm discovering here is I'm greedy, want all the superpowers and I'd be really lazy. But you know, as Peter Parker's uncle said, great power comes, great responsibility. And if I did have superpowers, would I have to fight crime? I suppose you would have to, wouldn't you? I suppose it's like I'm quite a morally strong person would like to help people, like if I had the ability, if I did have the ability to fight crime, would I I suppose you would have to. You would, if I could fly, have laser vision, super cold breath, flight, super strength, all that malarkey. Or if I was like Wolverine spikes in the hand. The spikes in the hand are the coolest bit, aren't they? I've never mentioned that before. I'm pretty sure most men. If you said to them, would you like spikes that come out of your hands like wolverine? Um, they'd just be like fuck, yes, please can I install them now? Um, yeah, so I think it comes down to that.
Stephen:I would want, maybe, maybe I mean, if I choose one superhero's powers have. So if I chose Superman, I would get multiple powers rather than just choose one power, and Superman does have a couple of good ones. He's super strong. He's invulnerable, pretty much apart from Kryptonite and all these other different versions of Kryptonite. What's that about's? What is that about? There's like red kryptonite, green kryptonite, yellow kryptonite, I feel like there's black kryptonite, and they all have like a different weird effects on him. You're completely invulnerable, apart from this little tiny rock. Um, flying would be super cool.
Stephen:Though flying would be super cool, I think flying is would be, would be like one of the best things, just just to travel around and be super quick. But would you? Would you have to have the like, the invulnerability, because flying that fast would your skin just rip off your bones? That's the thing, because if you chose one superpower but didn't have the other one to complement it, would you just die like.
Stephen:If you chose to be Wolverine with the adamantium like skeleton, would it be that heavy that you couldn't stand up because Wolverine's strong and heals quick? Would it be that heavy that you couldn't stand up because Wolverine's strong and heals quick? Would it just kill you? Hmm, see, these are the questions that need answering in the world. These are the things that need questioning, because I think they chose Logan because of his healing ability to put the adamantium in the first place. So you would have to have the healing ability to have the adamantium in the first place. So you would have to have the healing ability to have the adamantium installed. And then I'm cheating again and I've got two superpowers. So maybe multiple is the way to go, maybe multiple is the only way to gain superpowers? I don't know anyway. Anyway, we'll just interrupt that thought process. Recover your mind a bit from that meander of mentalness.
Stephen:And the little bit of announcement is I am going to be starting video podcasting. I hear you say should I have some applause? I feel like I should have some sort of applause. Ah, yes, yes, yes, video podcasting. It's about time. Stephen, I hear you cry.
Stephen:Um, I've always like veered away from doing the video things too early in the podcast, mainly because I'm lazy and didn't really want to have something else to edit as well as know my full-time job and stuff like that. But I recently just I've got a DSLR camera, basically, and I realized I could just use that. You know, set it up. I didn't. I'm not going to go for more multiple angles and all this stuff that YouTubers do. I'm going to get my DSLR camera, put the lens on it and set it up. So I've got a camera, I've got a capture, a capture cable so I can capture the, the video now for the dslr, a power cable for it. So you know, it can, it can record stuff, uh, without removing our battery, which is always good. That's what you need, uh.
Stephen:So yeah, I'm gonna try it. I'm gonna try. I don't know when I don't know, when I don't know. It might, might be the next episode, it might be the one after, I'm not sure. But I'll put them up on YouTube and I think one of the reasons to do it is going to make my kind of reels and social media posts a bit more interesting as well, because, rather than just posting pictures and sound clips, I can then post the sound clips as well as some videos as well. So I'm hoping that will capture people and bring more listeners and maybe make it more inviting for people to share.
Stephen:So yeah, so that's the news, maybe, maybe not as grandiose as you were expecting, but for me that's a bit. It's a big step. That's a big step. It's. It's something to edit. And well, not edit, but basically put a title on and put a title on the end and sync some audio, so kind of editing. But not, it will still be the unedited prattle. There'll still be an audio version. So the audio version will still be available and there'll just be, hand-in-hand with it, a video accompaniment so you can either watch the video or not, and I'm going to try and make them so that I'm not leaving anyone out.
Stephen:So, from doing a video on, I will, um, think about the people that are only listening to it, or think about the people that are only listening to it via the audio. So I won't be going oh look at this, look, we're gonna watch this video together, blah, blah. I'm not gonna do stuff like that. I may, it may, every so often point to something in the room, but I will try to remember to then upload said picture or whatever, or screen capture that and add it to the mix. I recently discovered that you can actually add pictures to chapters, so I'm going to try and be less lazy on my episodes and actually make chapters. I realized recently you can actually add chapters. You actually had chapters to it, so that's that's. Uh, pictures to the chapters. So that's what I might do as well. Uh, going forward anyway.
Stephen:Back to superpowers um, I don't know what that voice was. Yeah, so what would I want to be? So I think, I think so far an invisible, flying, super strong, adamantium encased skeleton, Claude Wolverine. Is that just lazy? Is that just me being lazy and just picking them all, or is that just the ultimate badass? I feel like that's the ultimate badass.
Stephen:Okay, so we've got Wolverine and he can fly and he has laser vision like Cyclops or Superman and he, he, laser vision like cyclops or superman and he, oh, he's pretty strong, but he has like superman strength and, yeah, and he can be invisible as well. I mean that's like the ultimate. That is like the ultimate invisible, strong adamantium, indestructible, can fly. Did I say invisible? Hang on, invisible can fly, super strong adamantium. Can heal, close for hands, mic drop. Is you know? That is. That is, uh, the ultimate Wolverine Airhorn. Just to bring home that fact. I've got all these sounds on this thing and I never use any of them and I always forget. So, ultimate Wolverine. See, I never use any of them. Nearly said Wolverine, wrong as well.
Stephen:Yeah, what would your superpowers be? Would you want to invent a new one? Is there any new ones we can invent? Have we exhausted every single line of superhero ability? Because you never really get a superhero. That's like the power of math Added the S for the british people, um.
Stephen:Or the power to be able to, like, wash up quickly and do the dishes quickly, or the ability to fold clothes fast, when they're not really superpowers, are they? I mean, I suppose, if that's your business. I suppose. If, like, you're a lawn like a dry cleaners or something and you can then launder clothes really quickly, superhero power for you. It's not really. It's not really groundbreaking though, is it? It's not really exciting.
Stephen:But if I was the Ultima Wolverine, firstly I'd be ripped as frig, wouldn't I? Let's face it like have you seen Deadpool 3, christ Hugh Jackman? That film just made me feel bad for myself. To be fair, he's at least 15 years older than me and the guy was ripped man. Anyway, I don't care if I'm greedy, I really don't care if I'm greedy anyway.
Stephen:Yeah, I think that's about it. I don't care if I'm greedy, I really don't care if I'm greedy. I want all the superpowers and I want them now, and I won't be completely selfish. I may fight a bit of crime, and I would. And when I want to hide, I can just go invisible. So, invisible flying wolverine? Yeah, there you go. Invisible flying Wolverine? Yeah, there you go. Invisible flying Wolverine, there you go. The ultimate, the absolute ultimate embarrassery. But it would have to mix DC and Marvel, so I don't think that crossover is ever happening. Yeah, another thing let me know you can send me a text message If you look in the description of this episode and click on send us a text message, you can send me a text and let me know what you thought directly. Yeah, that would be fantastic if you could do that.
Stephen:If you would like to share this episode, I would be also very, very, very, very happy. I hope you enjoyed it. Let me know what your thoughts are. Let me know what superpowers you would have. Let me know if you'd even want superpowers. Maybe it would be too much power for you and you would want to get rid of them. I don't know, maybe that would be too much. Maybe I would get bored of being able to fly and maybe the responsibility would be too much. Maybe I would get bored of being able to fly and maybe the responsibility would be too much.
Stephen:Like Uncle Ben said, was it Uncle Ben? I know he made rice. I want to say it's Uncle Ben. It's Peter Parker's uncle called Uncle Ben. Oh, my god, it is, isn't it? Anyway, what would you do? Thanks very much for listening and I'll catch you next time. Yeah, speak soon. You've been listening to Infinite Dreadful. Thanks for listening. If you liked this episode, go back and listen to some others and please continue to listen. Your support is much appreciated. Please like, share, comment and subscribe, and I'll speak to you all again soon. Take care.